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Community spaces and public buildings have the opportunity to become a place of civic pride. Civic buildings serve as a critical hub, aligning its people and culture to achieve community goals, and foster social cohesion. Through collaborative design, CWPA works with community stakeholders, employees and end-users to successfully integrate a civic site into the everyday life of a community. We provide designs inspired by unique geography, culture and the spirit of the surrounding community, while simultaneously maximizing comfort, safety, security and efficiency with timeless distinction.

“I was most impressed with Mike [West]’s professionalism and patience. He represented faithfully all of the concerns of the Yakama Nation. He showed a level of reliability, trust, respect and attention to detail which was so vital for both projects. He was readily available to discuss any and all issues. Despite his distance from the project, he always made himself available and made countless trips to the project site.”

Steve Andringa Yakama Nation Tribal Forestry Program

5060 Dodge St. Omaha, NE 68132-2965

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