Wausa Public Schools
Wausa, NE | 2020
12,000 Sq. Ft. (New)
6,000 Sq. Ft. (Renovation)
CWPA was retained by the Wausa Public School District to perform a facility analysis and improvements study on the existing school facilities. The results of the analysis provided the district with the knowledge needed to make informed decision regarding the future planning and improvements needs within the district.
CWPA assessed facility conditions of the multiple buildings that compose the current Wausa public schools campus including the original 1913 three story brick elementary school, 1959 high school, and 1964 and 1974 additions. The 1913 facility was found to be greatly dilapidated due to age and had multiple code deficiencies and violations. The lack of accessibility, structural concerns, and utility upgrades required proved to be too costly to renovation. The district made the decision to demolish the building.
CWPA worked with the district to create a 4 phase construction process which includes demolition of existing 1913 building and temporary relocation of school administration; relocation of Ag/Shop to new facility constructed by Ag Booster Club (outside of project scope) which allows for renovation of this space to replace demolished classrooms; construction of a new addition to house replaced classrooms, consolidated K-12 media center, and new administration offices; and new fire sprinkler/MEP updates throughout all buildings.
Photographs by Tom Kessler Photography
5060 Dodge St. Omaha, NE 68132-2965
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