St. Columbkille Parish Center
Papillion, NE | August 2020
15,200 sq. ft. Multi-Purpose/Gym Facility
2,900 sq ft. Church Addition
CWPA has been working with St. Columbkille Parish on Master Planning since early 2016. The study began as researching the feasibility and design for a joint School/Parish multi-purpose/gym facility and has expanded to include a church commons, elementary school playgrounds, and campus site analysis.
CWPA has guided a joint school and parish committee through a feasibly study to research needs, space, and location for a multi-purpose/gym facility. Through meetings with parishioners, administration, staff, and educators CWPA created a space program and conceptual floor plan options for a new facility. It was determined this facility was best located on the campus in place of the existing, deteriorating, Pre-School building. The 1960’s era former convent no longer meets the needs of the Parish but is ideally located for a new multi-purpose/gym facility. The new, 2-story facility will house gymnasium, stage, concessions, and lobby on the first level; daycare, pre-kindergarten, and meeting rooms on the lower level; and new accessible restrooms on both levels.
At the church, to alleviate congestion of an undersized lobby and lack of pre-function gathering space, CWPA has provided the parish with options for an expanded front entrance/lobby/commons area. The commons space provides much needed gathering space for socializing prior to mass, weddings, funerals, and other parish functions in a less formal setting than the lower level social hall.
With the acquisition of adjacent residential property, site planning includes the location and design of 3 playgrounds (2 elementary, 1Pre-k/Kindergarten) and additions/updates to parking lots, and site circulation including sidewalks and driving lanes.
Fund-raising for the Multi-Purpose/Gym Facility and Site Work is currently underway. The Team is currently working towards final design approval of the Church Addition.
Photography by Tom Kessler